Sunday, September 14, 2014

Welcome to The Family Foundation!

We are so excited to finally begin living out a vision that God has given us to reach, encourage, and support families who are pursuing God's BEST!

Our heart's desire is to show families in the most practical ways that there is nothing we cannot achieve if we are living out surrendered, faith-filled lives, following God's leading.

Whether you feel God is asking you to step out in faith and devote these precious years of your children's lives to being a full-time mother and worry that you can't possibly afford it; are a father who longs to invest more time in your family, but feel trapped on the treadmill or working and bills; or you're feeling led to home school but don't know where to begin, what it will look like, or how to accomplish it with limited resources, we can help!  

God's promises are true, and He is faithful to complete the work that He begins.  He desires us to step out in faith, to "lose our life to gain it"!  That doesn't mean that we won't question.  God tells us that if any lacks wisdom, we can ask, and He will give generously.   As a homeschooling mother of soon-to-be-six, and open to as many as the Good Lord gives us, I have enjoyed the experience of walking and living within God's calling for me. 

As I talk with other couples, I have found that many yearn to step out in faith in many of these areas, but there are many concerns that hold them back.  Much like the giants that awaited the Isrealites in the Promised Land, it is so easy to be overwhelmed and afraid of the unknown {and the known worries} that await us, even where God has called us!  But instead of looking fondly back to the bondage of Egypt, let's step into the Promised Land with the faith of Joshua and Caleb, knowing that God is on our side!

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